Legwork for Lungs

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About MSK

Published on: July 12, 2018

MSK Building

“Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center is the world’s oldest and largest private institution devoted to prevention, patient care, research, and education in cancer. Its scientists and clinicians generate innovative approaches to better understand, diagnose, and treat cancer. The Center’s specialists are leaders in biomedical research and in translatating the latest research to advance the standard of cancer care worldwide.”

Learn more About Memorial Sloan Kettering

MSK Certification

We want to make sure that you have no question of this event’s legitimacy in benefiting Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. According to our agreement with the hospital, no more than 20% of this 5k’s revenue can go directly to this facility (the rest covers expenses). We make sure that 100% of our proceeds go towards lung cancer by covering our expenses through door-to-door fundraising before the event. Click on the file below to be assured of our proper certification.

[Legwork for Lungs 5K Acceptance Letter](/images/Default/Documents/2018 Legwork for Lungs Acceptance Letter.pdf)

The MSK name is used with permission, which does not constitute endorsement of any product or service. MSK’s role is as the beneficiary of the event, our team is the presenter of the event, and MSK is not responsible or liable for any aspect of the event.