Legwork for Lungs

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My Mother Eileen

Published on: April 6, 2016

by Scott Lerner

What a meaningful act of generosity and kindness. Nastassja - you and your family should be so proud. Here is my story.

So, I am driving to work one day last fall… And out of the corner of my eye, I see a lawn sign with the words “Legwork for Lungs”. I read it closer to see that it was a race to help cure lung cancer. To me this was more than a sign, but rather a sign from above. You see, my mom Eileen Lerner Zirin’s life was taken way too early because of this horrific disease. Diagnosed in 2010 with Stage 4 lung cancer and having NEVER smoked a day in her LIFE. NEVER. My mom beat the odds after given 9 months to live but made it almost 5 years through treatment with the support and love of family.

My mom was a fighter, someone who never quit. She was a loving and proud grandmother, mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend.. I’d be the first to admit, I am a mamma’s boy - always was - always will be. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about her, where I don’t see a piece of her in my three beautiful daughters. She was a teacher and she continues to guide me through life.

So my family decides to go the race… We do the walk, my wife Tricia actually wins a medal while singing a song with my mom’s name, “Come On Eileen” in her head as she runs towards the finish line. My girls play carnival games, family tug of war, and watch my wife run with pride. It turns out to be a great day of remembrance for my mom and a day of awareness against lung cancer.

Thank you Nastassja for all of this, who would have thought a 14 year old stranger, with an idea and a tremendous amount of hard work would give me this gift. Thank you runners and sponsors. I’ll be there race day in November. Let’s beat this horrific disease together. My mom will be there in spirit and I hope to see you there as well.

Come On Eileen!!!

Scott Lerner