Legwork for Lungs

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Ridge High School

Published on: June 19, 2020

Purpose of Club

To promote lung cancer awareness and activism in our community through various fundraisers benefiting Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Primary event: The Legwork for Lungs 5k and Mile Walk is an annual event that will take place in the beginning of each November (Lung Cancer Awareness Month). There is also a 1-mile fitness walk, Tug-o-War Battle, raffle, and carnival games. Over $40,000 in total funds have been raised by this event over the past 6 years.

Yes, activism within Legwork for Lungs counts towards the Sophomore required Community Service Hours as well as general Communtiy Service within Ridge High School. Please click here for more details. 


Our 20-21 officers are listed below: 

President- Audrika Chattaraj

Frequency of Meetings

Students will meet every Monday morning in Mr. Galesi’s (our Faculty Advisor) room. They will be used to make sure that club members are up to date in their assignments and to discuss any issues as a group. All other information will be distributed electronically via email or social media.

Yearly Goals

Structure of Club

The Legwork for Lungs 5k Run & Mile Walk will be our first major event of the year, but we will try to hold at least to annually, which means the other one is up to a vote. Depending on what choices members of the club present, we will decide as a team on which would be the best for the club based on a variety of criteria. Members: please don’t limit yourself! We will examine every idea with equal weight, and we’re certain that we can do much greater things than you realize.

Example Events

Anticipated Budget Requirements

    None. All necessary funds will be raised by club members through various means, requiring no administrative monetary assistance.

Anticipated Fundraising Plans

    5k: Online donations, local business sponsors, registrants’ fees

    Funds for all other events will be taken out of event proceeds. Sources may vary but entry fees, profits, or donations are all viable options.
    The Legwork for Lungs Club is self-sustained and self-funded by the club’s activities.