Legwork for Lungs

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Run, Andrei, Run!

Published on: April 6, 2016

We’d like to wish our good friend and Legwork for Lungs' Forrest Gump Andrei Volkov good luck at the NYC Marathon November 1st (this Sunday). This is his 11th marathon - he’s already competed in marathons across the World, including Berlin (Germany), Philadelphia, Boston, Athens (Greece), Jerusalem (Israel), Chicago, China (Great Wall), Pocono, Medoc (France), Stockholm (Sweden).

He’s also participated in several trail ultramarathons and countless 1/2 marathons, Mud Runs, 15K, 10K, and 5K all over America, Europe, and Asia. He trains in any weather on US forest trails, surviving several encounters with local wildlife unscathed.

If you’d like to meet and talk with this incredible individual, please attend the second-annual Legwork for Lungs 5k & Mile Walk!